Port Elizabeth - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - WaarBenJij.nu Port Elizabeth - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - WaarBenJij.nu

Port Elizabeth

Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

23 Augustus 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Friday we left with around 20 people to Port Elizabeth. Transport was arranged through school, the two EISS vehicles!
Port Elizabeth (PE) was crowded with students that weekend. There were three universities there and there was a competition. They had to play sports and compete with one another. I still do not know exactly where it was all about, but I know that every single night was one big party! We arrived late at PE at our bed and breakfast! It was very cute, and the host was very friendly. We showered and Pauline, Demitris and I went for dinner in the boardwalk. We went to this amazing pizza and pasta restaurant which has great food. They had open kitchen and you could see the employees doing their job. The food came fast and our lasagna was the best I had ever tasted! The other people were looking at a hockey game, but it was very crowded and at the end they did not had a clue who actually won the game. That’s bad.. We met at this cocktail bar later that evening. We drunk very nice cocktails, and had chocolate shooters! The guys had very strong bad shooters, so after a short time we almost had to drag them to this pub, named Tapas. There was great music over there and we danced a lot! Some people where so drunk, so they left early. We stayed and around 0500 we took a cab to our bed and breakfast. We doubted a lot whether to take a cab or not, because there are a lot of weird stories about cabs going around. Eventually we took one and we arrived home save.
The next day we went to this big shopping mal in PE. It was very nice and a lot of good stores. I bought a hair straighter; I missed my own which I left in Holland.
We went back to the bed and breakfast and I was so tired that I really wanted to sleep very badly.. Pauline wanted to go to the beach, but I could not do anything anymore. So I slept until 1700. That evening we went to a sushi bar. I do not like sushi, but I took a stuffed Kinglip (white fish) with vegetables. It was not that great, but it was okay.. Again we went to another cocktail bar after wards and my last cocktail was a chocolate one (of course) with cherries in it! It was so good that I finished it within a couple of minutes. When I was sleeping that night 3 people came into my room, it was Marscha, Peter, and Peter was dragging Lora in his arms. Lora was stayed in my room. He basically throws Lora in my arms. Lora was so drunk; she could not stand up straight. Peter left and Marscha and I put Lora into bed and I gave her some water. The next day she felt terrible. The breakfast was nice though, and she felt better after it. The host made eggs and bacon for us. I could not eat it so early, so I took some yoghurt and fruit, very healthy!
We went to the beach that day! Demitris and I went for a lunch in the Boardwalk. I took hours but it was nice..
The EISS vehicles picked us up at 1530 and we were home early.. That was my weekend; I had a lot of fun! Next weekend I will stay home…

  • 23 Augustus 2007 - 16:03


    Hee lieverd,

    Dat ziet er gezellig uit daar zeg... lekkere cocktails, mooie omgeving....wat wil je nog meer :)


  • 23 Augustus 2007 - 17:03

    Jan En Frida:

    Hallo feestvierder;Zo te zien is het feestje van het weekend een vet gaaf feest geweest.En als je het vehaal en foto s bekijkt heb je zin om te gaan dansen.Je ziet er ook geweldig uit op de foto's.nou meid genietse een dikke knuffel van ons. Jan en frida.

  • 23 Augustus 2007 - 17:55


    Doe mij nog maar zo'n choco-cocktail! jeej! (a) ;):D

  • 26 Augustus 2007 - 10:12


    Hey hallo!
    Het klinkt allemaal te mooi! "t moet daar echt top zijn zeg!
    Ook vet dat je van die brug af bent gesprongen! Ik begin echt jaloers te worden!!!

    Liefs Didi

  • 28 Augustus 2007 - 14:54


    Ha meiske,

    Weer eens een berichtje van ons.
    Zo te lezen en te zien heb je de tijd van je leven. Heerlijk, alleen dat Bungy-jumpen, dat je dat durft, stoer hoor. Denise wil het ook al jaren maar ik zeg altijd tegen haar dat ze dat best mag doen, ALS IK HET MAAR NIET VAN TEVOREN WEET.
    Het ziet er allemaal prachtig uit. Na onze geweldige reis naar Amerika zetten we nu ook Zuid Afrika op ons lijstje. We komen tegen die tijd wel naar je toe voor tips.
    Geniet nog van alles en iedereen en we horen het wel weer. Heel leuk trouwens om je zo via de site te volgen!!
    veel liefs van ons vieren,
    Linda, Lex, Denise, Tatjana

  • 29 Augustus 2007 - 19:03

    Buuf 14a:

    Haai Viki, Het ziet er allemaal heerlijk uit!! Je hebt in ieder geval geen tijd om je te vervelen.. Hier gaat alles goed. Je mams is goed bezig in huis... Het is erg leuk geworden.. Groetjes van ons allemaal!! Kus..

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Zuid Afrika

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Verslag gelezen: 105
Totaal aantal bezoekers 56416

Voorgaande reizen:

20 Augustus 2009 - 20 September 2010


18 Juli 2007 - 13 Januari 2008

Zuid Afrika

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