Addo Elephant Park - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - Addo Elephant Park - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis -

Addo Elephant Park

Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

23 Juli 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Yesterday we went to the Addo Elephant Park! We had the car and we left early in the morning. We thought that it would not be that far, but it took us around two hours! There was a 30 km road, which was horrible. There were a lot of rocks on it, so we could not go faster than 30 km per hour… When we arrived there we walked straight away to the ‘safari tours’ office. There were 2 options. You can join a two hours safari ride or a 2 hours horse ride. If you choose the horse ride you would probably not see much animals. We wanted to go we the jeep ride, but there was no space!! Gladly there was another group with two little children. We could join their jeep if we wanted, because normally that is not allowed (because of the children or something…). We left and immediately after a short 5 minutes drive there were elephants on the road, so we could not pass. They were so beautiful and we took a lot of pictures of them. As the jeep drove further we also saw the buffalo, which is very rear. We also saw the zebra, kudu, and some others. It was a very nice ride and a great experience. We had a lot of fun!
The next morning we had our first introduction lecture, which was okay. We have practice in a hotel for the next eleven days. I have 7 days and 1 night of practice. I have to supervise a first year student, so I hope we can get along. The rest of the second years are great! We will have an 11-day trip with them to Cape Town somewhere in September. Therefore we have to collect some money with each other. We can do whatever we want, like car washing in bikinis!!
We also went to the beach to day and I went for a swim! It was nice, but a little bit too cold. The South Africans do not go to the beach these days, because here it is winter. The whole beach is empty, so the view is beautiful!
Tomorrow I have my first day of practice. I start at 15.30hours until 22.00hours. They will pick us up with a bus. Pauline has a day shift from 08.00hours until 15.30hours. We both are at the front office of the hotel.
What can I say, I like it very much here and we have a lot of fun. We still did not have a fight and there is almost a new couple in our group!

  • 23 Juli 2007 - 18:14


    Ja, 1ste :D
    Hahahaha, wat een schattig olifant zeg...
    Vet cool hoor, zo'n toffe safari!

    Dikke kus van je schatje!

  • 24 Juli 2007 - 19:15


    Hoi maatje
    dat ziet er geweldig uit!
    Ga ontzettend genieten en wij genieten op deze manier mee.
    dikke knuf tassos en loes

  • 24 Juli 2007 - 19:44


    Heeeey meis

    wat heb je al veel gezien. ik vind t echt supertof wat je allemaal doet. stiekem heb ik toch wel spijt dat ik niet bne meegegaan;) maar met die mooie foto's lijkt t alsof ik er ook ben.
    Have fun meis

    bye (K)

  • 26 Juli 2007 - 07:59


    Jow Vik!

    Allereerst merci pour la anniversairesms! (t smsje moest van het verste weg komen, maar je was nog eerder met feliciteren dan mn pa! haha, goed bezig!)

    Maar zo te zien en te lezen vermaak je je prima.. Goed om te horen! Maar maak me niet te jaloers hoor!! haha..

    Nou bon plaisir nog en ik wacht met smart op de volgende wilde dieren!

    dikke kus Rio

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

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