Alicedale - Reisverslag uit Alicedale, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - Alicedale - Reisverslag uit Alicedale, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis -


Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

10 December 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Alicedale

It has been four weeks already since we are in Alicedale, following the wildlife management module. Alicedale is very boring…. There is nothing!! Not even a normal shop! There is no internet and hardly any people.. That makes it difficult. Everybody is hanging around ding nothing, waiting till it becomes dark and have a big party.. We are all waiting till it is Friday, so we can go back to Port Alfred. The weekends I stay in the room of Jeltien and Anneke in Port Alfred, which is very nice. They are good hosts! This weekend I’ll stay there again, although they are going away tot Storms River.

I don’t like this module at all. Gareth, our teacher, is very enthusiastic about everything, so every lecture takes at least an half hour more time than it should take. He adds all this information and wants to share everything he knows with us. But he also expects that we know everything for the final test. It is impossible. It makes the lectures and workshops hard to follow. Our days are filled from 8 till 5. We went on two game drives. Unfortunately we saw nothing special. We are the unlucky group. We also went for reptiles hunting were we found a scorpion. That was cool. But it was so hot that day, I felt horrible.

Last weekend was the end of the year function in the Boardwalk (a restaurant). The dress code was smart, glitter and glamour. I went with Andre, the dive instructor. We decided to go black and white and guess what; we won the ‘best dressed couple’ price: R200! Great! The party was fun. The food was not that great, so we went for a pizza just outside the Boardwalk.
After the party we went to Snorts. Snorts is so boring. They don’t play any music anymore... Well, we had fun though! Best end of the year function ever!

The module is almost over. Friday my final test... Friday we will leave to Lesotho for a couple of days with Anneke, Jeltien, and Sanne. After that I am going to Durban with Pauline and after Christmas, my mother will come!!

  • 10 December 2007 - 20:15


    Jammer dat je je laatste module niet zo leuk vind.Ook jammer dat je er dus niet was om op Demitris te passen...rijd hij gelijk 2 auto's in de prak...
    Vond het heel leuk om je te ontmoeten.
    Heel veel plezier met de rondreis met je moeder, wij vonden het geweldig!!!

    Groetjes, anneke (moeder van Demitris)

  • 11 December 2007 - 09:16


    heerlijk man zo'n feestje :D wij (elze en ik) hebben de 19e een gala, ik in de rumours elz in de noa. vet veel zin in :D
    gaaf dat je moeder komt! jammer dat de wildlife module tegen valt.. gelukkig bijna voorbij ;)

    groetjes! x

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Alicedale

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