Durban - Reisverslag uit Durban, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - Durban - Reisverslag uit Durban, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis -


Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

28 December 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Durban

23-26 december

That Sunday Andre brought me to Beavers in Port Alfred. Pauline and I took the Baz Bus from there to East London. From East London we took they Greyhound bus to Durban!
The trip was long and they Greyhound had a delay, so it took the whole day. Around 00.00 we arrived in Durban and we took a cap to our hostel. The hostel was great, very quiet and a great service. Breakfast was served in the morning and the owner was friendly and helpful.

The next day we decided to go for shopping in the biggest shopping male: ‘The Gateway’. This mall has everything you can imagine off. We shopped some stuff and the day went quick and we returned to our hostel to make our own Christmas dinner: chicken Hawaii! It was delicious. We opened our bottle of champagne and we had our own nice quiet evening. I loved it..

On Christmas day we decided to go to Marine Water world. This included the 5th biggest aquarium in the world and a huge water park with different pools. It was very big. The aquarium was amazing. You can even snorkel in the aquarium or take a dive with the sharks! We didn’t do that, but you can. After that we went to the pool side and had a relaxing day. We stayed in the sun for a long time, so we both were burned like hell, but it was worth it.
We were so tired, because we had a relaxing day since a long time. We went to Moyo for some nice, Bacardi and coke and vodka orange juice. We sat there for a long time and that evening we had dinner there as well. It was an African restaurant. The menu was very good. The service was not that good. The mains came when I was still eating my starter… But we received new mains, so that’s a good thing.
We took a cab and returned to our hostel for some sleep.

The next day we woke up early and took the cab to the airport. Pauline her flight was at 09.00. We had breakfast there and I waited until my flight to Port Elizabeth left at 13.10. Finally I was back in Port Elizabeth at around 15.00. I picked up the car and drove to Aquamarina Guesthouse. It’s a nice guesthouse and the room is big. There is even a lounge area included!
I had a lonely evening and now (the next day) my mother will come in an hour! I will pick her up and see if she looks older after a half year!

  • 10 Januari 2008 - 13:42


    Hey vik,
    Nu ben ik echt jaloers, vies bruin dat je bent! haha.. maar het zit er lekker bijna voor je op en dan kom je me wieder vergezellen in t koehuis! Jippie, Dus geniet nog maar ff, nu het nog kan.. ;p

    Tot snel!

    Dikke kus Rianne

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Durban

Zuid Afrika

A half year in South-Africa!

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Actief sinds 21 Dec. 2006
Verslag gelezen: 191
Totaal aantal bezoekers 56402

Voorgaande reizen:

20 Augustus 2009 - 20 September 2010


18 Juli 2007 - 13 Januari 2008

Zuid Afrika

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