J-Bay and BUNGEE JUMP!!!!! - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - WaarBenJij.nu J-Bay and BUNGEE JUMP!!!!! - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - WaarBenJij.nu

J-Bay and BUNGEE JUMP!!!!!

Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

13 Augustus 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Last weekend we had a very long weekend started at Thursday. We wanted to go to Jeffrey’s Bay, but there was a problem. We needed a car and most of the times you have to be 21 years old to rent a car in South Africa. We founded a Dutch company through the internet which offered us a car for people who are 20 years or older. This was great and they would deliver the car at our address. Perfect! They delivered the car Thursday morning and Pauline, Demitri, Jonique, and me left to J-Bay! Lora joints us, because she was meeting her parents there. Jonique had arranged accommodation for two nights, so that was great. We drove a long time and we arrived at Jeffrey’s Bay very hungry. Out accommodation was 5 km further than J-Bay at the paradise beach. While driving, we past some townships and I became a little bit nervous. What were we doing there? After a while we were passing beautiful houses. There was a cute little bridge and everything looked like the ‘Efteling.’ Our accommodation was great! We had a beautiful sea-view and our private beach was a two-minutes walk away. We had out own house made from wood. There was a kitchen, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms. We even had a washing machine, a television, and DVD! It was amazing. That day we went to the factory shops in J-Bay. You can find high quality clothes there for nothing. Billabong, Roxy, and other things are very cheap. I bought a bag and a nice shirt! That evening we made a big pasta salad and we went out for the dessert! We also saw some others from our school. The next day the weather was not that good. We went for shopping again and Jonique made traditional Boboti! She even called her grandmother fro the recipe! It was lovely. She also made a pie with lemon, which was also very nice…

Saturday was the BIG day!!!!!!!! We went to the highest bungee jump in the world. Unfortunately we heard that it is not the highest anymore, but it is still high: 216 meters!!! I really wanted to jump and I signed up as soon as possible. Together with Pauline and Demitris we walked to the middle of this bridge! The played some a great music up there and we had a lot of fun. After a while I had to jump first! I was not very nervous, rather excited! They helped me getting prepared and I was standing at the edge… The counted: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… and there I go! It was extremely high and I had a free fall of 5 seconds, which is veeeeery long!! It was absolutely amazing; there are no words for it. I want to do it again if I have a change! Maybe in December when my mother comes and visits me. She can walk with me over the bridge! Demitris and Pauline also jumped! The jump was very cheap in comparison with The Netherlands. It was 55euros and 17euros for the pictures and the DVD.

The next day we went to see some sharks. It was nice, but there were not that many sharks though.. Finally we drove home again. I felt so tired that evening. I could sleep for a very long time………………………

  • 13 Augustus 2007 - 18:04



  • 13 Augustus 2007 - 19:28


    Wauw Vik!!! wat mega vet gaaf!!!!!!!! echt stoer man dat je van 216 meter af ben gejumped echt vet!!!
    en demitris en pauline, ook well done ;)


  • 14 Augustus 2007 - 09:26



  • 14 Augustus 2007 - 15:08


    Jeetje een beetje van een brug afspringen!! Jullie zijn echt GEKKKK :P:P

  • 15 Augustus 2007 - 18:31

    Frida En Jan:

    hoi meid ,wat super zeg dat je durfde te springen.En wat een mooie omgeving waar je je bevind . we blijven je volgen alleen mijn engels is niet zo goed maar ik doe mijn best.dikke knuffel .frida en jan

  • 17 Augustus 2007 - 09:32


    Eej Vik!

    Je vermaakt je nog steeds prima zo te zien/ lezen! Nu word ik wel bijna jaloers hoor! ;)
    Heb stage dr nu pas zo goed als, op zitten..Dus je ben nie de enige bikkel die doorgaat in de vakantie hoor..hahah..


    Dikke kus Rianne

  • 22 Augustus 2007 - 15:21


    Hoi Viki,

    Ik kan geen Engels, nou ja GEEN is misschien wat overdreven, maar in iedergeval niet super goed! Ik wilde gewoon even een berichtje achter laten. Zo te merken heb je het prima naar je zin, en dat is natuurlijk heel belangrijk! Ik had je site bij Frida weg gepikt uit haar favo's dus ik zal later nog wel eens even komen kijken hier!

    De groetjes

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Zuid Afrika

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20 Augustus 2009 - 20 September 2010


18 Juli 2007 - 13 Januari 2008

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