Hogsback - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - WaarBenJij.nu Hogsback - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - WaarBenJij.nu


Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

05 September 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Last weekend was amazing! On Friday we had our first test, which I past! We heard the results today. A lot of people did not pass the test. After the test we had a lecture and after that lecture we packed our bags as quick as possible! We planed to go to Hogsback for a weekend. We left with Pauline, Demitris, Gerdien, and Jeltine. Gerdien was driving the car and she went very fast! We had a very nice CD with different children’s songs from Jeltine. She works almost every summer on a camping with kids, so that’s why she had this CD (well, that’s was she is saying, the truth is tat she is fan of Telekids!). The ride went well and after 2,5hours the road stopped and a sand road was facing us. The road was not that great, but our chicko managed to bring us to our accommodation safely. We stayed at a great backpackers, named ‘Away with the fairies.’ It really looked beautiful. There were beautiful trees and plants and different flowers. There was a view point on the edge of the mountain. And there was a tree house. Demitris and I climbed the tree house, which was quit scary, but the view was amazing. Our rooms were cute. We even had a fire place. Unfortunately we never managed to light the fire, but it smelled like it… The first evening we went out for dinner. The menu was terrible with a lot of red meat and lamb. I did not like it at all. But the waiter was very kind and the kitchen was willing to make a chicken vegetable pizza for me! The pizza was divine! The others liked it too. After dinner we returned at our backpackers and the party could start! We received a warm welcome at the bar and we started with our first shooters: something with ‘baileys’ and ‘nachtmusic.’ It tasted pretty good and we could not get enough of it. We could order everything we wanted and we did. Everything was charged on the bill, which we would get presented on the end of the weekend! The bar closed around 02.00 and I was sooo tired and I drank to much so I went to sleep.. Gladly I could find my room back in the dark… The next day we started with a nice breakfast and wanted to see more of Hogsback. Hogsback looks like a fairy tail. Tolkin (the writer of the lord of the rings) has lived there for a while and they say that he was inspired to write his books though Hogsback. There are several water falls, which we all saw. They were beautiful. There was also an enormous view point! It was amazing. We sat there for a very long time enjoying the view. After the whole day we were tired and we went out for dinner again. This time to ‘Nina’s’. This was a pizza and pasta restaurant. All the pizza’s and pasta’s restaurants in South Africa are very good and so was this one. My ‘Morocco’ pizza was nice and the dessert was even better: a warm brownie! And that evening we went back to the bar at the backpackers. Again we had a lot of drinks and I did not felt very good. After a while I went outside to find the toilet and I felt terrible. I tried to call Gerdien, but instead of calling ‘Gerdien’ I called ‘Gerladine’ from the campus! So on the campus they were all worried about me… Gladly Pauline came and she brought me to bed… I woke up with this terrible pain, in my head of course.. But after breakfast I was fine again.
We decided to do the hiking tour for 1,5 hour and see the big tree.. Well the tree was not that big, but it was nice to see.. Somewhere in that stupid forest we took the wrong turn and we were lost. We walked the whole path bag again and did not knew were to go! We could not even follow the road anymore, there was no road! We had to clime over rocks and trees. After a 3 hours walk (everybody was crumby) we found a road! We were so happy and hungry. We walked to the pizzeria and had lunch. After that we packed our bags and Gerdien drove us home very fast.. I was exhausted and jumped into my bed early..
This weekend was one of the best! The best thing was that when the backpackers presented us the bill, it was only R350 (35 euro) per person! A whole weekend full with alcohol, accommodation and breakfast… Very cheap in Hogsback! We bought those cute little kudu’s which are sold on the street. The people there make them and sell them again for food.. They are made from mud. Well.. that was it for today, check out the pictures…

  • 06 September 2007 - 14:10


    leuk verhaal vik, en supergave foto's vooral die bergen. je vrienden daar lijken me ook wel gezellig!

  • 10 September 2007 - 10:06

    Sexydemitris ;):

    Mijn kudu heeft nog maar 1 poot! :o :(
    et was een vet cool weekend!!!! :D

    Kus, en groetjes aan.. ;)

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Zuid Afrika

A half year in South-Africa!

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