Jeffrey’s Bay and Storms River, 2,3,4 November 07 - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - Jeffrey’s Bay and Storms River, 2,3,4 November 07 - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis -

Jeffrey’s Bay and Storms River, 2,3,4 November 07

Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

08 November 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Last weekend we decided to leave the campus, because there is nothing as boring as staying in Port Alfred and doing nothing the whole day! We are in South Africa, so we should enjoy it.
Just before lunch Gerdien picked up the car and we left! We had a white Opel, which drove great! Gerdien and Sanne bought some soft buns with cheese and sweet Anneke made some rolls in the car! We enjoyed our lunch and before we know we were in Port Elizabeth already. We had a short stop, because the police was chasing us! We drove a bit too hard and unfortunately we received a fine… Later on we stopped at the airport, because Gerdien wanted to change her ticket to another date. Demitris wanted to do the same thing so she had his ticket as well. Although he was not there it was possible to change his ticket. They did not even want to see a passport! It’s amazing…
It was a very hot day so after we eat an ice-cream, we drove further. We arrived in Jeffrey’s Bay and found our self-catering accommodation in no time. It was great and very spacious. We even had are own out-side bray area! When we opened the doors we could see the sea just outside out door step. The view was beautiful! We decided to cook our own dinner, which is always better than the food at campus! So we went for some shopping and decided to go for a three-course menu. Out starter, made by Sanne and Gerdien was a very nice vegetable soup! Our main course was ‘spanacorizo’, which is Greek. It is rice with spinach. We had some nuts with it, mushrooms, feta, and chicken! It was a bit burned, but ‘het was binnen te houden!’ During the preparation we had some problems we the electricity, so a man was trying to fix it. He was a bit in the way the whole time, and it seemed like he wanted to join us for dinner! But we did not let him…
Our dessert was delicious! It was a home-made lemon tart! I had the recipe from Jonique and Anneke and I made it. It was delicious and we finished it! We were very ‘stuffed up’ after dinner and we did some of those little puzzles. I am so bad in those and too tired to finish it. Sanne and I decided to take the home-made Sangria from Jeltien and drink it all on the beach. It was a nice evening and we set a long time on the beach. Anneke and Jeltien watched a movie and Gerdien went to sleep.
The next day we went for shopping in the Billabong outlets! I bought a new black weekend-bag, very cool! I also bought some slippers. The other girls bought a lot of close as well! After we finished almost all our money we went to Storms River. On our way we stopped at monkey land! It was not hard at all to find the monkeys; they just walk around you looking for some food or other nice souvenirs. They were very cute though.
That evening we went to a restaurant where I had already been. It was not cheap and the quality of the food was not that good either. But we had a nice time with some wine…
In the backpackers we drank some beers and went to bed.
The next morning we were ready at 8 o’clock and had some breakfast. That morning we would do a waterfall adventure tour. We went to Storms River Adventures and get ourselves ready. It was a tour where we were hanging on a robe and gliding though the nature. It was a beautiful tour and the gliding was a lot of fun to do!
After this adventure we drove back home. On our way we needed to visit a toilet very badly, but we could not find any, so we decided to use pure nature as our toilet. We were not aware of the fact that some locals were staring at us whole the time. It was very funny when we founded out we had people watching us!
We had some lunch in a restaurant where they had no place. Well, that is what they said, but of course they had place, they just did not liked us! The whole restaurant was empty inside and they did not let us sit somewhere. So we decided to eat outside. The service was terrible, but the food was great! We had a soup and a salad. It was really tasty, we did not expect that!
We continued our trip home and we arrived back in the Grand very tired….

  • 08 November 2007 - 17:35


    Wie is nu het aapje?
    Volgens mij zie ik alleen maar aapjes!!
    Ziet er weer gezellig uit dames.
    Groetjes van Nanneke

  • 09 November 2007 - 11:12


    wat gaaf weer zeg!! :) en schiet al op he.. geniet er nog ff van. we hebben op het moment echt storm hier!! kan je niet een paar zonnestraaltjes sturen ;)

    kus jess

  • 12 November 2007 - 15:29


    hoi visiliki!

    kabelbaan slingeren tussen de bomen was hi-la-rissssssssch! en ook heel y-dil-lisssssssssch!


  • 14 November 2007 - 08:16

    Marianne (Buuf):

    Haai Viki, ziet er weer giga leuk uit daar bij jou!
    Hier gaat alles zoals altijd z'n gangetje...
    Remco heeft voor zijn verjaardag een éénwielfiets gekregen. Hij is hard aan het oefenen. Hij kan het al bijna... Hij oefend binnen. Ik heb al veel deuken in de vloer er bij gekregen... Die fiets valt natuurlijk steeds. Maar ach, het kind heeft lol. En de vloer is oud.
    Doe jij ook een beetje voorzichtig? Al die enge dingen die jij onderneemt!? Maar wel mega cool!
    Groetjes van je Buuf!

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Zuid Afrika

A half year in South-Africa!

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20 Augustus 2009 - 20 September 2010


18 Juli 2007 - 13 Januari 2008

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