South African champions! - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis - South African champions! - Reisverslag uit Port Alfred, Zuid-Afrika van Viki Boviatsis -

South African champions!

Door: Viki

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Viki

26 Oktober 2007 | Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

PORT ELIZABETH 19,20,21 October

South-Africa vs. England! The weekend was all about that: time to play some rugby. The World finals were on Saturday. I did not really felt like staying in Port Alfred and Demitris and I decided to go to Port Elizabeth that weekend. It was kind of a late decision so we were struggling with arranging some transport for ourselves. Gladly we could join Jenny, Kiki, and Nienke in the car. They had plans of going to Plettenberg Bay. Friday after lunch we went to PE with the chicko. Jenny brought us very safely and dropped us near the backpackers. The backpackers was nice. After a couple of minutes Joost and a friend of him arrived. They were staying there as well. They wanted to go for a drink and Joost was so kind to drop us at the Boardwalk. There was not much to do and at the end we ended in a pub just outside the boardwalk. There we met Joost and his friend again! We drank some Black Label and Savana Dry and listened to a guy which was singing well. We had some discussion of going on a wale watching tour the following day, but of course we did not wanted to pay that much money, so we wanted to meet someone in the pub with the boat. Unfortunately there was nobody there with the boat. It’s all bad…..
After the pub we went back to the boardwalk to have some pasta. I really liked that pasta restaurant. We had been there before. You can watch ‘Zwarte Piet’ making the pizza’s in the kitchen. We had some pasta with Sangria. It was movie time and we went to the cinema. We asked the kind lady which movie she recommended and of all the movies she recommended the worst one, unfortunately. A little impression of how the movie was: while watching the movie (‘funeral something’) other people had whole conversations next to us and some others just walked away. That evening we played some cards and I won all the games! It was my lucky day. Demitris did not liked it very much..
The next day we went to the airport, because Demitris wanted to change his flight dates. He was not having one of his smart moments, because he forgot to bring his flight ticket and passport! He only had a copy of his passport. That was not enough, so he has to do it another time… It’s all bad again…
With the cap we went to the big shopping mall, which was much bigger than we thought. There is actually a whole other mall on the other side over a bridge. We walked around searching for something green and yellow or the game that night. I bought two shirts, a green and a yellow one, duh!
We decided to catch another movie after the lunch at Mugg and Beans. This movie was better: ‘Knocked Up.’
That evening we first wanted to eat something before watching the game and we went to the Boardwalk. We knew someone who works in a Greek restaurant so we went there. That evening he was working somewhere else: in the Amphi Theatre were VIP guest’s could watch the game that evening. After dinner we decided to give it a try and go there. First they did not let us in, because we did not have a pass. We asked it again and again and at the end they let us in! We were so happy! We received a food coupon as well and we had the best seats. The screen was very big and we set comfortable. The game was good! I liked it this time, of course because: THEY WON!!!!!!!!!! South Africa is world champion! Everybody went crazy! To celebrate we went for cocktails in the cocktail bar were we met the three other girls again. Ater a while they went home and we went to ‘Tapas.’ That was okay. We met some other guys from school there. I drank to much that evening. We decided to catch a burger at Steers and go back to our beds. When I was lying in my bed at 04.30 in the middle o the night, two guys from school cam and woke us up! Shaking the bed and ripping of the blankets! After that grazy happening I slept so nice, but again someone was knocking on the door just before 11 o’clock! We had to leave and check out! Pff… it was to early. So we jumped out of bed, took a shower, and again we went to the Boardwalk for breakfast. We set at Dolce café playing carts all the time. After breakfast (lunch) the other girls came again and Jenny and Demitris went to the casino to loose some money. Nienke, Kiki, and I went shopping. Finally we picked the others up at the casino and drove back home…
The weekend was great!

ADDO, 23 October

That Wednesday we went to Addo Elephant Park with school. This is for our wildlife module. We had to be up at 6! Pauline and I could not sleep the whole night, because of the rats! Rats in the Grand! They are everywhere and they drive people grazy! It was scary…
Early in the morning we drove through the park for hours and hours. We saw so many elephants, I cannot see them anymore. I had a great day though. We also saw a lynx, which is very rare… We wanted to see the lions, but we missed them. At 15.00 we went home and after 1,5 hour I was back in my room, tired tired tired….

  • 27 Oktober 2007 - 16:49


    heee skatje!

    Het was me wel het weekendje weer!!!

    GO BOKKIEES!!!! :lol: :D

    tot strakkies!!


  • 05 November 2007 - 06:51


    gosj, wat zie ik. alleen nog maar een berichtje van Demitris; daar moet een berichtje van mij bij!!!:D:D:D

    succes met je franse bende, je loopt net -redelijk geirriteerd- weg, dus ik geloof dat je het nodig bent!

    ajuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus volgend weekend lekker duikennnnnn, bah ik heb er echt geen zin in! :S

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Verslag uit: Zuid-Afrika, Port Alfred

Zuid Afrika

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